In this HowTo will be explained how prover signals should be connected. This depends on the Flow-X type and the prover setup.
- Ball prover / Compact prover.
- Connect the flow pulse signals to the corresponding modules
- Connect all detector signals to all run modules.
- Master meter proving based on pulses.
- Connect the flow pulse signals to the corresponding run module(s) and “Master Meter” module.
- Connect a digital output of the “Master Meter” module to a digital input (prove detector in) of itself and all run modules.
- Master meter proving based on totals.
- No connections to be made (except for the pulse inputs in case of pulse meters).
Figure 1: Proving connections to Flow-X/P
Remote run / Separate prover module
- Ball prover / compact prover.
- Connect the flow pulse signals to the corresponding run modules.
- Connect the prover bus pulse output of the run modules to the pulse input of the prover module.
- Connect all detector signals to the prover module.
- Master meter proving based on pulses.
- Connect the flow pulse signals to the corresponding run module(s) and “Master Meter” module.
- Connect the prover bus pulse output of the run modules to the ‘prove 2nd pulse input’ of the prover module.
- Connect a digital output of the “Master Meter” module to a digital input (prove detector in) of itself.
- Master meter proving based on totals.
- No connections to be made (except from the pulse inputs in case of pulse meters).
Figure 2: Proving connections to remote run / separate prover module