This How to instruction will provide an example of how to program the FlowX to simulate proving a meter. Most newer flow computers require live pulses and detector inputs to prove a meter.
Wiring – This method with use the FlowX frequency output to generate the meter pulse input and a volume pulse output as the prover detector input. Please use 1K-5K ohm resistors for the pull up signals.
IO Termination - Depending on the base used with the module, the terminal assignments may be different. In this example we will use the X/K base.
- Place a resistor on X1A-TB5 (+24vdc out) to X1A-TB6 (Digital1)
- Using a jumper wire on X1A-TB6 to X1A-TB8 (Digital2)
- Place a resistor on X1B-TB5 (+24vdc out) to X1B-TB6 (Digital9)
- Using a jumper wire on X1B-TB6 to X1B-TB8 (Digital10)
FlowX configuration settings
Using a web browser, log into the FlowX and set the following parameters.
- Goto Home / Configuration / Overall setup / Main settings
- Set the Flow Computer Type to “Proving/ run”
- Goto Home / Configuration / IO setup
- Under the Digital IO set Digital 1 signal type to “Frequency Output 1”
- Set Digital 2 signal type to “Pulse input 1A”
- Set Digital 9 signal type to “Pulse Output 1”
- Set Digital 10 signal type to “Prover A common / start (A)”
- Set the Pulse output 1 max frequency to “1”
- Set the Pulse output 1 duration to “.5”
- Set the Frequency output 1 full scale val. To “2000”
- Set the Frequency output 1 full scale freq. to “2000”
- Goto Home / Configuration / Run 1 / Control signals
- Set the R1 Pulse output 1 totalizer to “Indicated (forward)”
- Set the R1 Pulse output 1 number to “Pulse output 1”
- Set the R1 Pulse output 1 quantity per pulse to “1”
- Set the R1 Frequency output 1 number to “Frequency output 1”
To run a proving the following settings should be started with. Adjustments can be made to the default prover volume, k-factor and forced frequency to generate different meter factors and repeatability.
- Goto Home / Maintenance / IO force and “Enable” the Frequency out 1 force mode
- Set the Frequency out 1 forced frequency to “1200”
- Goto Home / Flow Meter / Run 1 and set the R1 Fwd nominal K-factor to “7200”
- You can set all of the process inputs like temperature and pressure to “override” and enter your desired values.
- To change the prove time you can increase or decrease the R1 Pulse output 1 quantity per pulse.
- This is not a precise method of generating the detector signal. Your repeatability may be poor due to the pulse output volume calculation.
- Wait a few seconds after a pulse output is triggered before initiating the prove request.